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HSK 6 Vocabulary List

There are three sections in this sixth level: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing (a total of 101 items). Passing HSK 6 shows that you can easily comprehend written and…

HSK 5 Vocabulary List

There are three sections in this fifth level: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing (a total of 100 items). Passing HSK 5 indicates you can read Chinese newspapers and magazines,…

HSK 4 Vocabulary List

There are three sections in this fourth level: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing (a total of 100 items). Passing HSK 4 proves that you can converse in Chinese on…

HSK 3 Vocabulary List

There are three sections of this third level: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing (a total of 80 items). Passing HSK 3 signifies that you can communicate in Chinese at…

HSK 2 Vocabulary List

There are two sections in HSK Level 2: listening comprehension and reading comprehension. Both sections contain 60 items in total. Passing HSK 2 indicates that you have an excellent grasp…

HSK 1 Vocabulary List

To achieve this first level of Chinese language proficiency, you must master basic pronouns, classifiers, nouns, verbs, and other parts of speech. You must also know how to express time,…

Podcast #005: 端午节 Traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival

Script 大家好!欢迎收听Digmandarin Podcast. 每年农历的五月初五是端午节,又叫龙舟节。这是中国的传统节日。这一天,我们有很多活动,比如,吃粽子,赛龙舟,喝雄黄酒等等。 端午节有很多传说,但是最有名的说法是为了纪念屈原。屈原是中国古代很有名的诗人,在他跳江以后,老百姓就向水里扔粽子、在水上划龙舟,驱散水里的鱼,这样就可以保护屈原的身体。从此以后,每年的农历五月初五我们都会做这些活动纪念屈原。 今年的端午节就要到了,祝大家端午节快乐! (Dàjiā hǎo! Huānyíng shōutīng Digmandarin Podcast.  Měinián nónglì de wǔ yuè chū wǔ shì Duānwǔ jié, yòu jiào Lóngzhōu jié. Zhè shì zhōngguó de…

Podcast #004: 天作之合a heavenly-made match

Script 大家好!欢迎收听Dig Mandarin Podcast. 如果你的朋友结婚,你会对他们说什么?今天我们要学习一个祝福的词语:天作之合。“天作之合”的意思是他们好像是上天的安排,很完美地配合到一起,是祝人婚姻美满的话。所以如果你的朋友结婚,你可以对他们说:你们真的是天作之合!祝你们幸福! 这就是这次的内容,希望你喜欢! (Dàjiā hǎo! Huānyíng shōutīng Dig Mandarin Podcast.  Rúguǒ nǐ de péngyǒu jiéhūn, nǐ huì duì tāmen shuō shénme? Jīntiān wǒmen yào xuéxí yīgè zhùfú…

Podcast #003: 拍马屁 Flattering in Chinese

  Script 大家好!今天我们要学习一个很有意思的说法:拍马屁。生活中我们一般用“拍马屁”来形容奉承、讨好别人的行为,也就是flatter,lick somebody`s boots or to suck up somebody. 例如: 他为了升职,正在想方设法地拍老板的马屁。(He is working hard to flatter the boss to get that promotion.) 拍马屁的字面意思是Clap horse butt。但为什么呢? 中国元朝的时候,蒙古族人都养马,当他们牵着马相遇时,常要拍拍对方马的屁股,表示尊敬。如果碰到好马,总喜欢拍着马屁股称赞一番。但是有的时候,有的人不论马好不好,都只说好话,奉承马的主人。后来人们就把这种奉承的行为称为“拍马屁”。 我们叫这些喜欢拍马屁的人“马屁精”。 好,这些就是这一次的内容。希望你喜欢! Dàjiā…

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