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Learn Chinese Relative Addresses in an Easy Way – Mother`s Side


English Chinese Pinyin Audio
Grandpa on the mother’s side 外公 wài gōng
Grandma on the mother’s side 外婆 wài pó
Husband of mother’s sister 姨夫 Yí fū
Mother’s sister 姨妈 Yí mā
Mother’s brother 舅舅 Jiù jiu
Wife of mother’s brother 舅妈 Jiù mā
Son of mother’s brother or sister(older than me) 表哥 biǎo ɡē
Son of mother’s brother or sister(younger than me) 表弟 biǎo dì
Daughter of mother’s brother or sister(older than me) 表姐 biáo jiě
Daughter of mother’s brother or sister(younger than me) 表妹 biǎo mèi


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