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What City In China Best Fits Your Personality?

We have listed some cities in China. Read description of each city and find out which city best matches with your personality.


Being capital of the People’s Republic of China, it is the nation’s political, economic, cultural, educational and international trade and communication center. Located in northern China, it also serves as the most important transportation hub and port of entry. As one of the six ancient cities in China, it has been the heart and soul of politics and society throughout its long history and consequently there is an unparalleled wealth of discovery to delight and intrigue travelers as they explore the city’s ancient past and exciting modern development. Beijing has a temperate, semi-humid continental climate, characterized by short springs and autumns, hot and rainy summers, along with cold and dry winters.


Shanghai is a renowned international metropolis. It serves as the most influential economic, financial, international trade, cultural, science and technology center in East China. In addition to its modernization, the city’s multicultural flair endows it with a unique glamour. Here, one finds the perfect blend of cultures, the modern and the traditional, and the western and the oriental. New skyscrapers and old Shikumen together draw the skyline of the city. Western customs and Chinese traditions intertwined and formed the city’s culture, making a visitor’s stay truly memorable. Shanghai weather is generally mild and moist, with four distinct seasons – a pleasant warm spring, a hot rainy summer, a comfortable cool autumn and an overcast cold winter.


Shenzhen is located in the southern portion of the Guangdong Province, on the eastern shore of the Pearl River Delta. Neighboring Hong Kong, Shenzhen’s location gives it a geographical advantage for economic development. While the city does not have as many historical attractions as other famous cities in China, it has created a number of excellent theme parks which entertain while teaching visitors about China and the world. When you visit there, make sure that you plan a day trip to Hong Kong, where you can enjoy the sites and attractions of the famous international metropolis. Due to its subtropical climate, Shenzhen weather is mild with plenty ofl sunshine and rainfall all year round.


Guilin is China’s most picturesque region and has long been one of the world’s most famous travel destinations. It’s breathtaking scenery has attracted many famous poets and artists for thousands of years. Artists are able to find inspiration from the Karst mountains and the unsurpassed beauty of the Li River. There is an ancient saying here – “East or west, Guilin scenery is the best”. Guilin has a sub-tropical monsoon climate with four mild and distinctive seasons.


Hangzhou is located along Southeast coast of China. Hangzhou is a key national tourism city, historical city and vice provincial level city as confirmed by the State Council. Hangzhou is renowned as “Paradise on Earth”, “Cultural State”, “Home of Silk”, “Tea Capital”, “Town of Fish and Rice”. Hangzhou has enjoyed a history of over 2,200 years since the county administration was established in Qin Dynasty.


Nanjing means “southern capital” (versus Beijing meaning “northern capital”). It is a renowned historical and cultural city and was the capital of several dynasties over the course of Chinese history. Like most major cities in the country, Nanjing is developing rapidly. Great changes have taken place in the city. The city is become an international metropolis with new faces every day. The 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games (YOG) was held in Nanjing. The average annual temperature in Nanjing is about 15 C (60 F) and the time from mid-June to July is the rain period. Known as one of the three hottest cities in China, Nanjing’s scorching summer period is to be avoided.


Dalian, compared to ancient capital cities such as Beijing, Xian or Nanjing, is a young city with only a 100-year history. Situated at the tip of China’s Liaodong Peninsular, it is a trading and financial center in northeastern Asia and has gained the name the ‘Hong Kong of Northern China’. Numerous bathing places and beaches in the city are popular venues for the locals to relax from everyday work and stress. Young people, like those in many other metropolitan cities in China are trend pursuers who spend their evenings in bars and pubs throughout the city. This is a warm temperate zone with a semi-moist monsoon climate and ocean climate features. The annual average temperature here is from 8 to 11 C (about from 46 to 52 F) and it has four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Xi’ an

“China” began in Xi’an, when Emperor Qin (from whom China gets its name) united the warring states in 221 BC and made his capital in Xi’an (or Shaan). Xi’an is the first of China’s Four Great Ancient Capitals and played a very important part in Chinese history. Xi’an is characterized by and proud of its ancient heritage, and rightly so. Xi’an has world class ancient, religious, cultural, and natural attractions, including: Terracotta Warriors and Horses, The Ancient City Wall and Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Xian weather is mild with four distinct seasons – a warm but variable spring, a torrid and wet summer, a cool and rainy autumn and a dry and cold winter.


Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province, which is known as the “Heavenly State” (Tian Fu Zhi Guo). Being the natural habitat of cute giant pandas. Chengdu is one of the most important economic, transportation, and communication centers in Western China. Traditional wooden architecture and tree-draped streets have been gradually giving way to neon-drenched malls, glassy high-rises, or resolutely practical new apartment complexes. You’ll stumble upon markets, countless tiny restaurants specializing in Sichuan snacks, and parks where old men walk their song birds or hunch over a game of chess. The city is famous for its lack of sun, so don’t come expecting to get a sun tan.


Being the famous “Ice City” in northeastern China, Harbin attracts visitors from home and abroad by the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival it holds each year. It is a happy carnival which provides visitors a whole new world of ice and snow. The festival usually begins from January and last for over one month. Harbin has four distinct seasons with long cold winters and short cool summers. The snow season can last as long as half a year.

Qin Chen focuses on teaching Chinese and language acquisition. She is willing to introduce more about Chinese learning ways and skills. Now, she is working as Mandarin teacher at All Mandarin.

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