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Accessing Facebook and YouTube all over China using VPN

China blocks a majority of the social networking websites using a internet Firewall, where most of the popular websites like Google+, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and etc. cannot be accessed anywhere in China. The worst aspect of internet in China is that, you are not be able to use Google Gmail, or anything Google, which a large of the Chinese natives prefer to use.

However, people are exploring various measures to gain access to these websites and overcome these Internet obstacles in China. You can bypass the Great Firewall and can continue browsing your favorite social networking websites in China by making use of Virtual Private Network, better known as VPN. A VPN will hide your IP address and the device you are browsing from would be visible as a device located in USA or Japan rather than your own country, i.e. China.

When a VPN is used, the security firewall of the server is bypassed and you should be able to access any website. However, the firewall of China has blocked several VPNs and hence, you must be careful about the VPN you choose.

Review of China VPN

We ourselves are VPN users that have experiences with multitudes of VPN. Our team was engaged in the extensive testing of several VPNs across various devices since the past few months and here are some of the findings.

Why should you not go for a free VPN?

  • Your user information is saved to display relevant ads based on your browsing history.
  • Your privacy might not be ensured.
  • Safety and security remains a concern.
  • Due to free usage, more number of users, thereby reducing the bandwidth and speed.
  • Unstable, would not assure you of a seamless browsing.


Although there are various pricing options offered by various companies, it is best recommended that you choose a plan based on your budget. But, you should make sure not compromise on the security features of a VPN and also consider the speed and reliability factor of the VPN.

Also, it is better that you choose VPNs that come with a money-back guarantee or give a free trial in the start. With a free trial period in the start, you would get to know about the quality of service that they provide, the security and speed offered and the websites you would be able to browse using the VPN.

When you purchase a VPN, make sure that the purchase is made prior to entering China and set the VPN up before you enter China. If you face any problem on accessing the VPN after entering China, you would not be able to contact the VPNs either, as they might be blocked by the Firewall.

Our team have tested all the popular VPNs that can be used in China and finally, we recommend the following VPNs that can be used in China.

Benjamin is a language and culture enthusiast. He has been learning Mandarin Chinese more than 6 years. He lived in Shanghai, HongKong and Singapore.

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