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Learn Chinese Vocabulary in an Easy Way – Body part 6


English Chinese(Characters) Chinese(Pinyin) Audio
Gum 牙龈 yá yín
Hard palate 硬腭 yìnɡ è
Palatoglossal arch 舌腭弓 shé è ɡōnɡ
Uvula 小舌 xiǎo shé
Tonsil 扁桃体 biǎn táo tǐ
Upper lip 上唇 shànɡ chún
Superior dental arch 上牙弓 shànɡ yá ɡōnɡ
Soft palate 软腭 ruǎn è
Isthmus of fauces 咽峡 yān xiá
Commissure of lips of mouth 口唇连接处 kǒu chún lián jiē chù
Tongue 舌头 shé tou
Inferior dental arch 下牙弓 xià yá ɡōnɡ
Lower lip 下唇 xià chún

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